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Health and Nutrition

More recently, HVC has developed its Management Consulting Division in order to meet the growing demands of our clients and the challenges of the emerging global economy. The services provided include, among others: Health, Nutrition & Population, Training & Capacity Building of both the government and non-government. organisations, business due diligences, organisational restructuring, review of systems and business processes, and managing, evaluating, appraising, development projects in both public and private sectors.

Health and nutritional condition of people across all age groups is a major Concern in  most developing countries. Mortality from various diseases, both communicable and non-communicable, is still high in Bangladesh likewise many other developing countries. Millions of children and  mothers  suffer  from different degrees of malnutrition. Malnutrition occurs at all stages of life beginning from malnourished mothers who give birth to babies of low birth weight. These babies are more likely to become sick and many die before their 5th birth anniversary. They gradually become adolescents with less cognitive development resulting poor performance in learning and eventually their work output is reduced thus making huge economic loss.  Along with those, food insecurity and poverty compounded the whole scenario of the nation. Government in collaboration with development partners draw up policies and programmes e.g. HNPSP, NPAN for the country inline with UNO Millennium Development Goals (MDG) signed in September 2000.

Unfortunately the progress towards reaching the goals has been uneven. Some countries have achieved substantially while others are not on track to realize any. Is it only due to lack of political will, lack of adequate resources, unavailability of satisfactory data which could be possible through regular survey and surveillance? The lack of these hinders launching beneficial programs.


To render professional services to the needs and expectation of the clients to eventual benefits of the mass in the area of health, food and nutrition of the countries in the region.


  • Efficient and effective implementation of programs relating to health, food and nutrition to ensure achievable objectives.
  • Help capacity building to attain the objectives and expectations of the stake holders.
  • Advocacy and dissemination of technologies and outcomes of the programs.
  • Meet the expectations of recipients and developments partners in a professional manner.


To undertake evaluation, monitoring and impact assessment of Public Health programs, propose changes if require in the working plan and develop appropriate strategies towards “Health for all”.

To undertake evaluation, monitoring and impact assessment of nutrition related programs in order to develop strategies for sustainable action oriented programs such as food security, application of knowledge to other area and setups to reduce the huge burden of malnutrition amongst population.

Contact Person:                                                                              

M A Wahed

Senior Consultant

Health & Nutrition, Management Division



M Munjurul HASSAN

Senior Partner
